viernes, 21 de abril de 2017

Political relations

In China exists a problem of non – respecting of human rights. Thousands of people are execute every year, because the torture and the death penalty are accepted as a habitual mode of acting for the police. This transcends both at political and economical levels, finding a lot of EU countries feeling reluctant to foment and maintain relations with China; situation aggravated by the existing communist government.

With the objective of closing with this image, China pretends to justify their actions adhering to all types of International Agreements about human rights. In 1980 they adhered to the International Convention of all types of discrimination against the women (which entered into force as International Treaty the 3rd September 1981), when it is know that every year thousands of girls are killed for being considered uselessness. This phenomenology is fault of the “only child” politic which has been implemented for stopping the demographic growth. In 1986 they ratified the International Agreement against the torture and others cruel treatments.

More recently, in 2004 it was added to the national constitution of China that “the State respects and preserve the human rights”. But reality of the human rights in China still continues being other. The Annual Report of Human Rights of the European Union of 2004 refers to this area saying that although China had change their constitution, the EU is gravely concerned about the continues violations of Human Rights in China.

China, for their part, is aware that there are not improves in the human rights field; but they have developed a technique which runs for avoid the problem: they play whit the economic interests in their bilateral relationships with the European countries. This is achieved by the actions of “dumping”, consistent in making sales at lower prices to the ones fixed by the same company in the same market, when those prices are different to the ones of the various markets of exportation or when they are lower to the factory price. Against the “dumping” the European Union has imposed a set of measures “antidumping”, even though they joined the World Trade Organization the 11th December 2001; nowadays China is still not considered a market economy (the 11th December 2016 the status of “non market economy” was stopped to be applied, which supposes a partial reduction but no total of the “antidumping” measures).

All that has been presented previously shows that China does not respect the legal bases of the Rule of Law. Not only for the torture and the discrimination, for the dependence of the judicial power respect to government too. With the objective of alleviate this situation, in 2014, took place the first meeting of the China Government Council; and it pretended to promote the judicial independence based in the European system. A communist government creates an insecurity situation for the European Union, before the lack of transparency and the transfer of information, the possibility to lose the investments made or the insecurity before an arbitrary judicial procedure. China has undertaken the right way to reach an improvement of the political relations, but it has a lot to be done. 

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